To cloud or not to cloud

The so-called new normal has become the epitome of optimization. As much as moving to cloud makes sense, helping to reduce infrastructure costs and offering scalability, some businesses are still resistant to taking the plunge and making the shift. One reason for the reluctance has steadily remained the potential data loss and breaches.

Oftentimes, cloud has been perceived as less secure than on-premises systems. Although some degree of caution is prudent, cloud providers focus more on security than most businesses will ever be able to. Gartner predicts that, through 2025, 99 % of cloud security failures will be the fault of the user as a direct result of misconfiguring the service.

A realistic assessment to foster a safe cloud migration with the right protocols in place is key to prevent faulty implementations, improper user management, and other errors. Once taking the necessary steps and employing cybersecurity best practices, the cloud ensures a level of security that cannot be duplicated on site.

But it shouldn’t be taken as a given. The biggest potential threat still remains human error that can occur both off and on the cloud. A chain is no stronger than its weakest link – it all comes down to mindful management and deployment.

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